Aelodaeth gorfforaethol

Mae aelodaeth gorfforaethol ar gyfer datblygwyr preifat neu gwmnïau sydd â diddordeb mewn gweithio gyda grwpiau ynni cymunedol, e.e. ar brosiectau cyd-berchnogaeth neu drwy gaffael ynni cymunedol.

Please provide your name and that of the organisation applying to join Community Energy Wales

Contact Details

Please provide the name of the person who will be the main contact for your organisation's membership of CEW(if this is not you).

About your organisation

If applicable

Should only be showing if: Private sector business and corporate bodies that support the aims of CEW

Tell us your main line of work
    Perchnogaeth y Prosiect
  • Cynhyrchu Ynni
  • Cynhyrchu Gwres
  • Trafnidiaeth
Are you happy for your information to be used for research conducted on behalf of Community Energy Wales?
Are you happy to be contacted for future research conducted on behalf of Community Energy Wales?

In submitting your application you are confirming your support for the objects of Community Energy Wales and agree to abide by its articles and the bye-laws.

Tanysgrifiwch i'n rhestr bostio

Os hoffech chi gael yr holl newyddion a gweithgareddau diweddaraf gan Ynni Cymunedol Cymru, cofrestrwch isod. Ni fyddwn yn rhannu eich manylion ag unrhyw un arall, a gallwch ddad-danysgrifio unrhyw bryd.